A space for understanding and celebrating neurodiversity

The Brain Sanctuary

Every brain is unique and special. Let’s discover your brain’s superpower. Once you do? It’s life changing! 

This is a space for your brain. Find the resources and skills  for a fulfilling and happy life, and learn how to understand others around you. What makes them tick? What makes you tick? Empathy and understanding other people’s superpowers can help to change their life, as well as your own. 

Here at The Brain Sanctuary we use a combination of learnings and approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, CBT, Interpersonal Neurobiology, for starters. Neurodiversity and psychology experts join our formidable community of families to create and share tools and resources that you can use each and every day to tap into your brain’s superpowers. 

The Brain Sanctuary is a space to gather information, try new things and support others through their journey of neurodiversity. 

  • Family Journal

    Want to know more about what's in our Family Journal, click here to fins out.

    Family Journal 
  • Resources

    Discover some of the resources and pages we love. This section is coming soon and will be reguarly updated.

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In a world of technology where the latest news interrupts us multiple times a day and there is  constant stimulation everywhere you look, we all need a sanctuary to retreat to when things get too loud and overwhelming. 

This is that place. 

All of our resources are designed to be used offline, in the quiet of your own home, office, or where ever you need them. Some can be done instantly, others require a bit more set up. Either way, we’ve got you. 

First up? Complete this little worksheet all about you and what makes your brain tick. Why not get others in your family to complete it too and compare the differences? We also love this sheet for sharing with teachers, coaches, new therapists and other important people in your life. Just sign up to our newsletter and you'll get instant access.

Family Journal

  • Four Pillars of Mental Health

    The four pillars of mental health are the building blocks to mental health. They help us manage those tricky situations in a more regulated manner. We take you through the ways you can incorporate the four pillars into your life without extra stress.

  • How Brains Work

    Brains are the most complex organ in the body but also the most interesting.

    In this section we give you some of the highlights about how brains work, what they love, what they don't love and ways you can see what your brain likes best.

  • Anxiety

    Our Brains sometimes lie to us and we tend to worry about things we may not have in the past.

    The Family Journal covers all the different ways our brain can trick us and the techniques to help move ourselves back to calm.

  • Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling Rivalry is a normal part of every family and once you add in completely different brain functioning, things can get tricky - fast. This section of the journal will help you navigate these tricky situations in a kind and understanding way.